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California Specialists
For Arab American
Cash Patients
Arab Patients Education & Protection Program
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Doctors Network
International Women Beauty Consultants
Directory For Arab Breast Cancer Patients & Their Companions
Health Education
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Free Arab Patient
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Contact Information
Saudi Group In Europe
Neck and back injury victims from
traffic accidents In Arab countries :
oil rich Arab countries such as Saudi
Arabia, it is known for its highest
auto accident rate
in the world which result in a large number of spine , neck and back
injuries plus chronic
back pain with no
relief in sight. Also,
over the past two decades Saudi Arabia has recorded 4 million traffic accidents,
leading to 86,000 deaths and
611,000 injuries,
7 percent of which resulted in permanent disabilities.
In fact, Arab VIPs
(cash patients) are at high injury risk in countries like Saudi Arabia. This is
a a very
serious problem for Saudi executives who
share the road on daily basis with out of control drivers and Saudi youth.
Please see:
Fatalities from road traffic accidents among the young in Bahrain :
The average proportion of young males killed by road traffic accidents (RTA)
in Bahrain during the 8-year period was 82.7%. Also, 2006 marking the lowest
proportion among Bahraini nationals (72.2%) and the total population (79.2%). RTA fatalities constituted
among the Bahrainis, 20.2% of non-Bahrainis and
39.0% of all fatalities in both sexes combined. The young in Bahrain were 3.5
times more likely to die from RTA than the general population.
Information And Services
For Doctors and For Arab Patients
Consultants offer valuable
services to local clinics and hospitals. Contact CI (Consultants Institute), for assistance to
your needs with consultants' qualifications.
Education and Training Programs:
If you are searching for
specific programs for your department, we can help you in finding them.
Also, if your organization offer Education and Training programs, please
contact CI for web site announcement.
Conferences, Symposia and
Every year, hundreds of
professional events are organized worldwide. To list your announcement,
please contact CI.
Awards And Grants:
Contact CI if you are seeking
funding support for your program. Also,
if your company/foundation
wish to offer special wards/grants, we would be happy to send you details
for CI web site announcement.
Products and Supplies - Purchasing
Purchasing of major equipment
and large orders for supplies are all important decisions and you don't
have to do it alone. As a member in the Arab Medical Purchasing Network
(AMPN) you benefit from experiences of other members, free of charge!
Patient Education:
We offer Arab patients a detailed
and simplified information to help in understanding specific topics about:
Treatment for head and back
injuries, back pain ... etc.
Specific questions are sent
to consultants for answers:
You may send your questions
in English or Arabic languages
For Arab Patient Education:
Organizations and neurologists
may wish to list/link their web sites on patient education (such as, FAQ:
Frequently Asked Questions) to Arab Neurosurgery web sites. Please contact
CI for more details.
Examples :
Distinguished Arab
Khalaf Al-Moutaery, MD
Major General/Professor, Director, Neurosurgery Department,
Editor-in-Chief, Pan Arab J. Neurosurgery,
Central Region, Military Hospitals, Riyadh , Saudi Arabia,
John Chiu, MD
California Spine
Arabic Language web site
Daniel Choy, MD
Laser Spine
Arabic Language web site
T. S. Park, MD
Pediatric Neurosurgery
Arabic Language web site
David W. Pincus, MD
Pediatric Neurosurgery
Maryam Rahman, MD
Spinal Tumors